Monday, October 8, 2012

Stay Fly

Take 60 mins. Unlike others, it'll be worth more. Feels like a life-time's worth of experience. Fly-Lo's most recent album, Until the Quiet Comes, is bonkers. Recent illuminations include..."creating new music is the best meditation. When I'm able to get into that space, nothing else matters, and I'm just a vessel for whatever the message is; I feel like I'm not in control. It's like this organic communication, and I feel like that is the quiet, in a way...I try to convey this feeling of being innocent in a mystical state, being in a place that's new, seeing things with brand new eyes, for better or worse. I just imagine this little kid floating on a beautiful king-size bed over the city at night, seeing all sorts of crazy stuff happening in the world."

Not trying to put any preconceived notions out there about him, but Fly-Lo's shit is on some other shit. On making beats - "It's like an orgasm, man-- if it lasted forever, it wouldn't be awesome. Actually, an orgasm would be awesome if it lasted forever." You'll wish 60 minutes never ended. 

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