Monday, September 17, 2012

What It's All About

"Because you know, that beyond the fog, is something you will always like."

It might be perfect.

LONG LIVE THE KINGS - Short film documentary - from SAGS on Vimeo.

Monday, September 10, 2012

While I'm at IT

Music Kick.  Still getting into the xx's new album, Coexist, but this stripped down version of "Angels" has remained one of the more raw things I've heard in recent memory.  It's hers.  The album version doesn't quite do how her lips move justice.  Weep away.

The xx "Angels" Live in Tokyo from Final Cut on Vimeo.

Well, Good

Thank God somebody - they - made this video.  Yeah, it passes for catchy at the chorus, and sews separate minimalist lines into a patchwork of inspiration.  Yeah.  Check for the old boxer, he's my main character.