Monday, April 28, 2014

In Thinking of You Today

I am led along the backstreets
of this ancient city
I peel a feather from beneath its
history of lost steps,
trace the dissolving paths of
pigeons  in the grey sky
above the silhouettes of two children
weaving through the dark world of
crinkled trousers and scuffed shoes,

follow a leaf as it tumbles into
the feet of a man standing still in
the street, his palms open, head tilted
toward the sky, muttering in prayer.

I once became what
I saw, what I touched;
now, only sometimes –
in waking from dreams, or
when your eyes dilate in
the faded light –
am I stirred into the soft
sensation of unraveling,
of returning:

there, in some twilight, I heed the
distant tinkering, and begin
to walk down to the waterfront,
toward what you may
come to know in me. 


The night your spirit welled and rained
The plains flashed bright, startling
Eyes drifting through the past,
Through earlier years rapidly
Hardened beneath all-knowing clouds.
Old voices thundered
This never happened
As the sky teemed with
Droves of former fathers,
Wiping away the heaven’s white,
Flaring bones, and
Pouring upon your boyhood—
Until now, you have been a stray voice,
Amiss, garbled, rambling.

One can build a house from old bones,
One can sit idle in the doorway,
Peering out onto newly drenched
And softened land.
Boy, go stand still in that field,
Bloom radiant a new body—
Go sing your new song.

On Voice

Sometimes coffee don’t make my eyes see better
Or my legs be strong enough
For this bow-legged walkin
But you know when voice glow like different kinds of light?
You know when people put words
In their palms for us all to watch how they and
Different shades of them sound when they
Headlong into one another down the furrows
That an old woman once used for the
Telling about your tomorrow years?
Lift them up here to look see how they
Twirl each other like cowboys with packed lips and
Low hats do gals with strong backs and
Stronger guts. Them all wink like stars gone
Fireflies in purling water we stew for the
Crank late night on frontier. I said I knock back cups of
Joe in a far side range,
But only to grab that calf
Half in half out by the ankles and pull
Like dreams do that yeared man hunched and rocking and
Working his beat fiddle and he only look up twice
A night so you better not miss the soft diddy bar lights
Lick and lip on his well rained eyes.
That calf’ll get strong legs soon enough too
If you just watched. And even though
Cowboys don’t talk much,
You should see the maps
Running their hands.

Alles ist auf dem Weg

Some recent scrawl...


Pink ribs in the late sky and birds
running fingers on that body—
touched me, too, and if
sunsets are made of wet eyes
however they come about
then at least there’s seeing
going on. Try drawing the
face of the last ride home from
memory and see if the eyes you cross-
hatch aren’t a bit bigger than before.
Then, breathe on your own neck and go
to bed early so that you might rise in time 
to glimpse a new body
barely lit.


There’s an indefinite design of things
recognizable: of showerings and
sitting by the ways and of
lips soft with salad dressing so
let’s talk bodies about the good day gone—
of running to water and shivers
of brining foam just there and the
echoes of laughter on a wind
whistling itself and if you press
your fingers into your eyes hard enough
you can still see the stars come out
in the city.

Via Turkiye

Long Time Coming

A few in from last summer out West...