My brother and I have one too. There is a field near our parent's house in Crozet. A swath of naked rolling hills provide a corridor down which you can gander. You can see the mountains from there. There are hay bails (you can run on them), bird swoops/calls, openings and closings of the day, a vine-mantled tractor - all there. Sometimes I wish I were too.
We call it 'the spot.' I would show you a picture, but then, it wouldn't be 'the spot,' would it...
Here's another picture though. There's an old ware house down near the River. Ruins, old structures, worn, that welcome new life, open to fresh constituents to distinguish it. It's all gnarled trees and spray art. I call it the Bad Lands. A place - it is. THE spot? No. Still an axis' though.
Gareth Hermann for scope

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