Monday, August 29, 2016


During the spring, I decided I wanted to connect with dear ones more frequently, and in a more in depth way.  Given that we're so spread out these days, it's difficult to get the sense of sitting down with someone in a coffee shop to play check-in and learn something from one another's lives.  So, every Saturday, I began setting up phone conversations.  Long ones.  

The connections felt profound--talking for over an hour, the conversations would oftentimes help both parties unpack things that we didn't know where there.  

Saturday Check-Ins seem in demand, given our yearning for authenticity and a deep sense of connection in the increasing pace of modern life.  Something to steady us in, a mirror held up long enough to begin to actually look before oh look! there's a squirrel!  

I've been thinking about this, and wondering if anyone has any ideas of how to turn this concept into a platform.  What about having people set up conversations with questions a la Story Corps, or ping ideas together like one would on Anchor?  What about a way to share what you learned/the highlights with others, either based on topic, or on friend group?  What about creating a larger narrative of conversation by pulling data from the calls and grouping certain words together to see what you value, and what words mean to you?  What about what about what about WHAT ABOUT doing this!?  

Thoughts?  Riffs?  Ways to connect?

As Ever,

Dwell, pt. I

Gareth and I began riffing on what the five most important concepts for humankind in the next century, and we would love to know what you think.  Listen below, and press the red 'reply' button on Anchor to add to the conversation!

You can catch the full initial dialogue below...